If Eternity Should Fail
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.05
| Posted on Jan. 20, 2016, 11:17 a.m.
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The Book of Souls
Song Author
Bruce Dickinson
File Size
151 KB
Here is the soul of a man
Here in this place for the ta king
Clo thed in white, stand in the light
Here is the soul of a man
Time to speak with the sha man a gain
Con jure the jes ter a ga in
Black dog in the ru ins is how ling my name
So here is the soul of a man
When the world was vir gin
Be fore the co ming of men
Just a so lar wit ness
The be gin ning of the end
From a world of mag ma
To a cold rock face
The as cent of mad ness
And a hu man ra aa aa aa aa ce
We are strange be lie vers, all of us
There are stran ger truths, im mor tal lust
We rise from slum ber, he calls our name
Re calls our num ber, a bide with pa aa in
Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Wai ting in line for the en ding of time
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Wai ting in line for the en ding of time
If e ter ni ty should fa il
To God�s i llu sion which I re call
Was our de lu sion
Be fore the fall
The an gels come and the an gels go
But the lord of light shi ning be lo oo oo oo oo ow
E ter nal black ness be yond the stars
We think our wis dom will get that far
At the mas ter�s ta ble, the ta ble�s bare
No land of plen ty, de vas ta tion, des pa aa ir
Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Wai ting in line for the en ding of time
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Wai ting in line at the en ding of time
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Wai ting in line for the en ding of time
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Wai ting in line at the en ding of time
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Wai ting in line at the en ding of time
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Reef in a sail at the edge of the world
If e ter ni ty should fa il
Wai ting in line at the en ding of time
If e ter ni ty should fa il.
Good day my name is Necropolis
I am formed of the dead
I am the harvester of the soul meat
And I suck the lives from around my bed
My own two sons, I gave them breath
And I filled their living corpses with my bile
What humanity I knew, I have long forgotten
For me, eternity is nothing
But a short while